Installation guide on Kubernetes

Architecture overview

Sarus is made of several services that communicate through HTTP requests. They each run in a separate container.

Main components are:

  • Gateway API: handling the calls from the SDK to perform analytics or ML training

  • Gateway worker: service for long running jobs in analytics/ML

  • Dataowner front: the UI for the Data owner preparing the datasets

  • Dataowner-dash API: the API to prepare datasets, manage users & privacy policies, audit…

  • Dataowner-dash worker: service for long running jobs in dataset preparation

  • Nginx as a load balancer

Requirements & cluster setup

Sarus requires:

  • a running and maintained Kubernetes cluster

  • a Storage with ReadWriteMany capabilities

To get more details on how to setup a managed Kubernetes cluster for Sarus on GCP, AWS, Azure or OVH, visit Kubernetes Setup.

Deploying the Sarus application on a cluster with helm

Here, we assume that you have received a TOKEN_NAME and a secret personal access TOKEN from your Sarus Account Manager to be able to access Sarus’ Helm repo and pull Sarus docker images.

Adding Sarus’ Helm repository

You need to add Sarus’ repo to your local list of helm repositories:

$ REPO_ID=22362555; CHANNEL=devel; helm repo add --username ${TOKEN_NAME} --password ${TOKEN} sarus${REPO_ID}/packages/helm/${CHANNEL}`
"sarus" has been added to your repositories

You can then see Sarus’ Helm chart using:

$ helm repo update
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "sarus" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈

$ helm search repo sarus
sarus/sarus-app 0.2.2           0.2.2       The Sarus Helm chart

Filling the deployment values

They can see what are the required variables using: helm show values sarus/sarus-app, and print the readme using helm show values sarus/sarus-app. See helm show.

They should fill a myvalues.yaml file with their specifics for the Sarus App.

Installing the Sarus app

Using helm install, you can install a chosen release of Sarus (2.8.1 in the exemple below)

RELEASE="2.8.1"; helm install -f myvalues.yaml ${RELEASE} sarus/sarus-app --set sarus-registry-chart.enabled=true --set sarus-secrets-chart.enabled=true

sarus-registry-chart and sarus-secrets-chart are optional; they can be omitted when upgrading the app.

Using a namespace

Helm can deploy the app in a particular Kubernetes namespace with the additional argument to the command line: -n my-namespace ; Helm can create it if it does not exist with --create-namespace.

If Helm creates the namespace, it will not delete it by itself with helm uninstall: the deletion is a manual process.

Updating the cluster with new images

If docker images have been updated on the container registry, you just need to do

kubectl rollout restart deployments