Installation guide on OUTSCALE (DASSAULT SYSTÈMES)

3DS OUTSCALE offers Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions, that is, on-demand computing infrastructure. Documentation is available there

OUTSCALE also offers a cloud infrastructure certified SecNumCloud 3.2, particularly suited for French public services.

Resources recommendations

To install and run Sarus, we suggest at least 4 vCPU and 32GB of RAM.

For text & image data, more powerful instances are required. Use cases with LLMs generally require a GPU.
If this is your case, let’s discuss it so that we make the most adapted recommendation.
If you plan to use a detachable volume to store data, we recommend to start with 200GB of disk space. Ideally the data sources can fit on a local disk so that synthetic data generation and processing are done directly within the instance. Alternatively, Sarus can leverage some external computation engines (eg: Synapse SQL engine, Redshift SQL engine…).

Installation steps with an OMI

Sarus software is distributed on Outscale via an OMI (OUTSCALE Machine Images). An OMI is a machine image used as a template to create VMs based on a Block Storage Unit (BSU) volume as the root device. The Sarus OMI provides an OS (Ubuntu), and packages Sarus with default configuration.

To install Sarus, you must have access to the Sarus OMI through :
  • the Outscale marketplace

  • or via a Sarus representative who granted you access the OMI

You can then follow the installation steps.

1. Log to the Outscale console and create a VM

In the console available at, on the Compute/VM tab, click “Create VMs”

2. Name your VM

3. Select the OMI with the Sarus version you want

For example, to install Sarus 3.0.1, use OMI named “sarus-3-0-1”. In general, you should use the latest Sarus version available. You can ask your Sarus representative about latest versions available and new features.

4. Select the VM type

We recommend 4 vCPU and 32GB of RAM. For LLM or gpu-intensive workloads, you can use a GPU-powered VM.

5. Configure Security group and SSH key

If you want to attach a volume dedicated to your data for easier upgrade (see below), you’ll have to connect via SSH to your machine.

6. Confirm and wait for the VM creation

7. [OPTIONAL] Attach a volume to store Sarus internal data and make version upgrade easier

7.1 Stop the VM where Sarus is installed.

7.2 Create a Volume in Outscale & attach it to this VM

Link this volume to the VM, as explained there

7.3 Restart the VM and connect to the VM via SSH

7.4 Mount the volume and configure Sarus

Create a local directory where you’ll mount the new device

sudo mkdir /data
sudo mount /dev/sda /data
nano docker-compose.yml

go at the end of the volumes section and add .. code-block:: yaml

data-fs: driver: local driver_opts:

o: bind type: none device: /data

7.5 Restart Sarus

docker compose down && docker compose up -d

You’re ready to go and log in for the first time!

The first Admin user can now log in to the Sarus UI!
For this first login, use the credentials you specified in the .env file. You will be asked to change your admin password for better security.
You can then invite new users from the “Users” section in the left menu of the UI.
You can follow the Quickstart tutorial that will help you create your first dataset, define a privacy policy and share a safe access with data scientists.

Securing Sarus (forcing https)

We recommend to secure the connection to the Sarus API using a SSL certificate.

This will force users to query Sarus with https instead of http, which means the communication between the user (from the Admin UI or from the SDK) and Sarus will be encrypted.

Please note that, without SSL, the username and password sent by the user to Sarus for authentication are communicated in PLAIN TEXT over the network and therefore can be intercepted by an attacker. SSL certificates are tied to a specific hostname or a domain name. Therefore, the SSL certificate must be created by your IT organization, and signed by a Certificate Authority recognized by your clients (browser or SDK).
The workflow is as follow:
  • configure your DNS so that the VM where Sarus is installed is accessible by its hostname/domain name over the network

  • generate a SSL certificate tied to this hostname/domain name

  • copy this SSL certificate onto the VM (certificate chain and key)

  • configure the .env file in the Sarus install directory with the path to the SSL certificate

  • restart Sarus with docker compose down && docker compose up -d

  • check that encryption is enforced by trying to connect to the Sarus UI with http: you should be redirected to https.

Version upgrades

You may want to upgrade Sarus to benefit from the latest features released. You’ll have to create a new VM and transfer the data thanks to the detachable volume.

You can then follow the upgrades steps:
  1. Stop the VM currently hosting Sarus

  2. Detach the volume hosting the data from the VM

  3. Create a new VM with the new version of Sarus you want to use

  4. Attach the volume as explained in point 7 above and restart Sarus

  5. Connect to your new instance

Application monitoring: status and application logs

In the Sarus UI, go to the “Service health & logs” page in the left navigation bar. You’ll see a status of internal services and a download button to get the internal logs of the application in case of issues.
